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Servi Doryl: CSR Commitment – Report 2023

Report CSR

Servi Doryl, manufacturer of cheese molds for over 50 years, places Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at the heart of its strategy. This year again, we are proud to publish our 2023 CSR Report. Which demonstrates our concrete commitment to sustainable and responsible development.

Our 2023 CSR report highlights the actions carried out in the three key areas of our CSR approach:


  • Improvement of working conditions: We ensure that we offer our employees a safe and healthy working environment. By investing in training and the prevention of professional risks.
  • Promotion of diversity and inclusion: We cultivate an inclusive corporate culture that respects diversity. by promoting equal opportunities and the fight against discrimination.
  • Support for local communities: We are committed to the development of local communities by supporting social and cultural initiatives.

Responsible purchasing of CSR

  • Favor local and responsible suppliers: We favor partnerships with local suppliers who share our CSR values.
  • Promote ethical working conditions: We ensure that our suppliers respect human rights and international labor standards.


  • Reducing our carbon footprint: We have implemented concrete actions to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, such as optimizing our production processes and reducing our waste.
  • Promotion of a circular economy: We design our cheese molds with sustainability in mind, favoring recyclable materials and developing recycling solutions at the end of their useful life.

Servi Doryl’s 2023 CSR Report is a testimony to our concrete commitment to sustainable and responsible development.

We are convinced that CSR is a key success factor for our company and that it contributes to building a more sustainable future for all.

We invite you to discover our 2023 Report online

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Together, let’s build a sustainable and responsible future for the cheese industry!