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Wings for life race

Wings for life race

From Germany to France, a story of solidarity and surpassing oneself was written…🖋️📕🏃‍♀️

The story began in 2019 when German colleagues came to France to participate in the Tours Marathon. We wanted to relive this wonderful event while supporting spinal cord research. While some were seasoned runners, many started running especially for this occasion.

Here is the program for these two days:

  • Saturday 04/05: Visit to our parent company Alpma Maschinenbau, guided tour of the church of Rott am Inn, followed by a hike in the Bavarian mountains.
  • Sunday 05/05: Participation in the Wings for Life race and a communal meal in a Biergarten in Munich.

In total, 35 runners from the Alpma group took part in this Wings for life race, including 16 from Langeais (Alpma Servi and Servi Doryl). By combining our efforts, we are proud to have covered 350 km.

We warmly thank our generous sponsors who made this exceptional human adventure possible. A big thank you to our German colleagues for their outstanding hospitality.

We look forward to participating in other races together!

Servi Doryl : Cheese mould expert

Since 1972, Servi Doryl has been a specialist in the application of plastics to cheese-making technology, designing, producing and marketing worldwide molds, mold blocks, coagulation basins, draining trays and many other products for the manufacture of all types of soft and pressed cheeses.

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